Saturday, May 28, 2011

Cupcake Card

Hi all, I hope to enjoy this long weekend. I've been working non-stop and haven't had time to scrapbook at all.

Hunter had a birthday party yesterday and his first sleep over at a friend's last night and now that friend is sleeping here tonight. He was great! He's slept out of the house before just never at a friend's; it's been only family. It's nice for him to have someone else to play with so I don't have to play Pokemon battle with him. I don't speak Pokemon and it's very hard with him being an only child and not having anyone else to play with.

Here's a picture of the birthday card I made my sister; which coincidentally the last thing I made. I hope you all enjoy your Memorial Day and I'll post some more pictures of my next project which will be some graduation cards I need to make.